FIRST Signing Day


2024 FIRST Signing Day - May 20th, 2024

In May of 2016, Team Appreciate created FIRST Signing Day (FSD) with 30 of our graduating team members. Inspired by the tradition observed by sports teams and athletes, FSD has become a national initiative where graduating seniors in FIRST sign a letter of intent officially announcing their plans after high school. On May 21st, 2020, we collaborated with FIRST HQ to host a virtual FSD event to celebrate over 2000 graduating FIRST students worldwide. 

On Signing Day, be sure to take pictures to post on social media with the hashtags #FIRSTSigningDay and #FSD2024 and tagging @FIRSTSigningDay. This year, we are extending the FIRST Signing Day celebration to TikTok, so follow @FIRSTSigningDay to stay updated!

Hosting a Signing Day event

  1. Select a time and location for your Signing Day.

  2. Promote your Signing Day event to your team and community.

  3. Print copies of the FIRST Letter of Intent (link below) for each of your graduating students to sign during the event.

  4. Now is time for your Signing Day event! Celebrate your graduates by having them announce their postsecondary plans and sign a Letter of Intent in the presence of teammates and community members.

  5. Post any pictures or videos related to FIRST Signing Day using #FIRSTSigningDay and #FSD2024.

Interested in learning more about FIRST Signing Day and how to host the celebrations in your team? Fill out the interest form below!