2468 Github
Our team GitHub, which contains all the code we've written in previous years, as well as many off-season projects we have worked on in the past.
2024-25 Season
Steamworks Fuel Flywheel Shooter
This offseason project was designed to be used by future students as an example/template of a basic flywheel shooter. The shooter was initially designed to be as simple as possible. It features a simple motorized hood, and a basic 2:1 reduction for the flywheel. Ironically, but unsurprisingly, in the process of making the design as simple as possible the work became more and more complex. In the end spacing and packaging turned out to be the most time consuming part of the design.
2017 Steamworks Fuel Flywheel Shooter:
Crescendo 2024 Dashboard
The dashboard used by Appreciate for the Crescendo season.
Crescendo 2024 Code
Team Appreciate’s robot code for 2024 Crescendo Season.
Logs robot positions on the field to set waypoints in Bordeaux using live locations.
OpenMV camera code as first used in the 2024 Crescendo season by Team Apprentice.
Tracking our autonomous paths from a camera on our shop ceiling for comparisons.
2024 Off Season Alpha Template
A robot project template to potentially be used during Alpha's 2025 season
2024 Off Season Alpha Template
Team Appreciate’s custom path planning software. Latest change: Integrated built-in path pushing to robot
Sextant Angle Localization
Tracking sextant angles with AprilTags to determine the robot's position on the field
Swerve Template
Library for Swerve Math and Utilities. Latest change: updated VIs and adjusted PID values
Configurable MAXSwerve Drivebase
A drive base assembly controlled by equations in the primary assembly where electronics can be dragged around for easy visualization of component placement. The previous Spark Max bracket has been modified to fit only one Spark Max and an additional custom mini CAN Distribution Board for easy wiring.
CAN Distribution Boards using Custom PSBs
This project is an iteration of the student designed CAN Distribution Boards that were made last season. These boards serve as hubs to connect all our CAN devices and make our wiring more efficient and reliable. This new iteration uses the WAGO 2601-3104 connectors instead of the previous WAGO 250-204 connectors.
2023-24 Season
Battery Cart
A custom battery cart designed to fit 12 batteries with space on top for shelving, with our 4 x 3-battery chargers attached in the back for easy plugin.
Mini CAN Distribution Board
Custom PCB for 4 connections of CAN distribution.
Mini CAN Distribution Board Files
Pico Robotic Controller
This is intended to have a similar interface as the roboRIO, but is designed to be more cost efficient. It includes 8 digital input/outputs, 2 analog inputs, 8 PWMs, 4 I2C interfaces, a LED port, CAN, and ethernet. It also uses a 12V battery as a power source.
Scott McMahon’s Github (specifically for electronics)
A Github containing the majority of electronic projects and information for our team.
2468 Steamworks/Deep Space Offseason Robot
Designed to score wiffle balls and hatch panels only. Includes a wiffle ball intake, transfer, and shooter as well as a hatch panel intake, arm, and elevator.
2468 Steamworks/Deep Space Offseason Robot Files
2687 Deep Space Offseason CAD Robot
Design Challenge for Destination: Deep Space full game
2687 Deep Space Offseason CAD Robot Files
2687 Steamworks Offseason CAD Robot
Design Challenge for Steamworks full game
2022-23 Season
Capstan Turret
A turret that operates on a capstan drive for low backlash and high accuracy. Utilizes nylon 3D prints for sliding.
A short cascade with the intent of testing Delrin brackets as a cheaper alternative to bearings. Able to be rigged as a normal cascade. One thing we found while assembling was that the tubes to construct the frame of the cascade have to be very square.
Crate Intake
Subsystem to pick up power cubes from the 2018 Power Up game. Arms are made from polycarbonate. The durometer of the compliant wheels on the ends can be changed according to testing. The side arms are restrained by a bungee (not in CAD) from a standoff on the arm to the center standoff of the main bar.
Folding Climb
This climb mechanism is designed for the 2022 FRC challenge, utilizing two links to traverse across the bars. The first link is controlled by a capstan drive, and the second link, which would bear most of the robot’s weight, is driven by a winch. Unreeling the string attached to the second link moves the arm up due to a gas shock that is situated between the two links
Gear Turret
A simple turret with Delrin bearing stacks to facilitate rotation and a custom machined 10DP gear.
MAXTube Crush Block
Intended for use as an insert in tubes when mounting swerve pods to REV MAXTube to prevent the thin wall from being crushed.
Radio Mount
Case for the Openmesh radio, has openings for ports and signal lights. Suggested filament is PLA. Screw size: 10-32. Designed with heat set inserts for quick access. Heat set inserts: 10-32, installed length: 0.225in, max hole diameter: 0.267 (McMaster-Carr 93365A154)
RoboRIO Mount
Flexible mount for the RoboRIO. Easy to mount with heatset inserts and meant to be reusable. Utilizes ziptie mounting on RoboRIO. Suggested filament is TPU or flexible filament as it can absorb vibration. Screw size: 10-32
RSL Mount
Mount for RSL. Screw size: 10-32. Suggested filament is PLA.
Series Elastic Actuator
Allows for elastic deformation while maintaining the position of the motor. Would be useful for mechanisms that are outside of the robot that require additional compliance. Mounts to a planetary gearbox.
This shooter is designed for the 2022 cargo, and has an adjustable hood design. With three top rollers speed matched to the main flywheel, the design intent was to eliminate spin and provide consistency in shot placement. Furthermore, the dead axle belted hood system was designed to reduce play in hood position as much as possible.
Swerve Mule
This drivebase was our testbed for refining swerve code. It uses the SDS MK4 modules in combination with the new REV ION structure to create a drivebase. A traditional bellypan was not included to save weight and manufacturing time, and the side holes on the ION stock allow for easy mounting of electronic components.
2021-22 Season
CAN Wiring
CAN Distribution Board with New Base
Tape Encoder
This mechanism allows us to measure linear motion with a rotary encoder attached to a length of tape. In addition to the encoder, this also requires a rotary spring and a tape for a full assembly. It can be 3d printed or can be modified to be cut on a CNC machine, laser printer, etc.
This is a center-drop drive base with equation-driven dimensions and gearbox.
This cascade was designed to replace the bearing structure with slippery plastic plates. It is chain-driven with stringing taking over for the later stages. The current plastic is Delrin, and it works pretty well, but you need a bit of tolerance between the metal and Delrin for best sliding.
This is a worm gear winch used to power a cascade. This design aims to prevent back drive and other complications as seen with subsystems like the ratchet.
This is an intake that is made to pick up the 2018 FIRST Power Up cube with 2 775pro motors on each side rotating the compliant wheels. It will also require spring tension to keep the intake plates close together until the driver actually intakes the Power Cube, and most of it will be manufactured using the CNC.
This is a fast turning, pulley-driven turret
This claw is designed to pick up the 13 by 13 by 11 in blocks from 2018 FIRST Power Up. It utilizes two pneumatic pistons to actuate the grabbers.
2020-21 Season
Path Planner
The path planner helps us create our autonomous. This offseason, the team incorporated a new feature that allows them to pass commands through the path planner, transforming it into an auto builder.
Mule 3 V2
Configurable drivebase using the SolidWorks equation manager and configurations. This was based on the lessons the team learned from MULE 3.
Rotary Intake
The Rotary Intake is designed to intake Stronghold Boulders and retract within the frame perimeter by rotating. The team designed it using a “touch it own it” mindset, and also wanted the design to only utilize motors.
This system is designed to funnel a hopper full of whiffle balls into a single flywheel that is mounted on a “Lazy Susan.”
The goal of this year’s cascade is to iterate upon and perfect the cascade elevator the team started a few years back. It utilizes new manufacturing and assembly techniques.
This is a pneumatic powered catapult that is designed to have a versatile and robust design that can be easily integrated onto a robot.
This year, the team tested how a small drive base behaves in comparison to drive bases from past years. They worked on a mounting frame so they can quickly add and test prototypes as well as attach an array of sensors. In addition to all of this, they are using pulleys on the drive base to see how it holds up with the robot’s speed.
Battery Intake and Holder
The battery intake is an experimental intake designed to intake and manipulate large cylinders in preparation for Infinite Recharge. It’s designed to retract into the drive base and have the capability to mount onto the cascade lift.
Linear Slide Intake
The Linear Slide Intake is designed to extend and intake Stronghold Boulders and retract to fit inside the frame perimeter. This is accomplished by two double acting pneumatic cylinders. The entire system is designed to fit onto a KOP chassis.
2019-20 Season
Single Flywheel and Turret
Single wheel flywheel shooter and turret designed to interact with the FIRST Stronghold boulder.
CAD Design
Flywheel Code
Turret Code
Self-centering intake designed to interact with the FIRST Stronghold boulder.
CAD Design Pt.1
CAD Design Pt.2
Intake Code
Cascade Lift
Cascade lift designed to be used as a stand-alone test bench.
CAD Design
Cascade Code
2018 MULE Project
Offseason drive base designed to be a test bench for different drive configurations from our past robots.
CAD Design Pt.1
CAD Design Pt.2
CAD Design Pt.3
CAD Design Pt.4
CAD Design Pt.5
MULE Project Code
Word Search Project
The word search project utilizes vision to solve word searches.
2018-19 Season
MULE Project
A traditional West Coast drive base with chain in the tube and reimagining it by making the chain accessible.
CAD Design
Programming Code
2016-17 Season
2016 Scorpius Code
The LabVIEW code we used on last year’s robot, Scorpius.
2468 2016 Robot Project
Other Resources
Wiring Your Robot
An introductory guide to wiring FRC robots.
FRC Sensors
An introductory guide to implementation of sensors on FRC robots.
SolidWorks Seminar
A seminar for beginners on designing FRC robots using SolidWorks.
CAD for Seminar
2D Sketch Analysis
A lesson on using SolidWorks to conduct 2-dimensional analysis of linkage and elevator mechanisms.
Sheet Metal Seminar
This seminar covers basic skills needed to develop sheet metal parts using SolidWorks.
Sheet Metal Seminar Files
Necessary files for the Sheet Metal Seminar.
2468 File Naming System
2468’s method of naming files on our SVN.